Warren Huart of Produce Like A Pro and his mate Nick put IK's new ARC Studio standalone room correction system to the test in this new video.
First, they do a deep analysis of Nick's studio on three sets of monitors using the included ARC 4 software's advanced 21-point measurement. They then demo the correction on all three monitoring systems, concluding that ARC Studio is a winner.
Whether you have a single pair of monitors or more, ARC Studio makes it possible to create better-sounding mixes right from the start. Have a look.
When you're mixing, you want to be somewhere you can trust. This is one affordable option that has zero latency. The only thing that competes costs several thousand dollars.
ARC Studio cleans up the lower mid-range muddiness. You get much more of that sense of flatness. For a cheaper pair of speakers, it's like a holy grail correction.
It's a winner! If you've got multiple sets of speakers, this could be remarkable. My guess is everybody's going to review it positively.
Visit Produce Like A Pro on YouTube.
Upgrade any studio monitors instantly with the first out-of-the-box acoustic room correction system that anyone can afford. ARC Studio combines a standalone correction processor, new ARC 4 measurement software and a room analysis microphone.

ARC Studio